Moscow Museum of Military History
If you want to understand an era, study its cuisine.
It is there that the worldview of a civilization is vividly expressed.
On the 9th and 10th of September you are welcome to the "Historical Reenactment Festival: field cuisines in the armies of different historical epochs".
We will show camp cuisines of the past centuries and demonstrate how armies of different times and nations looked like. We will move away from stereotypes of a field cuisine with buckwheat and stew. Guests will see the preparation of dishes, take part in interactive activities and become a part of history themselves with the participation of historical clubs.
Eight different historical periods will be revealed to visitors in an unusual format. The guests will learn what was cooked in the princely squad and what delicacies were served.
The following eras will be presented:
- Ancient Russia and the Viking Age, 9th-11th centuries.
- Crusades in Europe, 13th century.
- Renaissance and the Knights, Europe, 15th century.
- Moscow Kingdom, 16th-17th centuries.
- Patriotic War, 1812.
- First Defense of Sevastopol, 1854-1855.
- The First World War, 1914-1918.
- The Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945. Cuisine of the Soviet army and the Allies.
You will be waited for:
- Photo zones - guests will be able to make memorable photos, communicate with the re-enactors and learn a lot about their equipment and weapons.
- Demonstration performances of historical reenactment clubs.
- Performances of musicians will embellish the event and perform compositions of different epochs, which have reached us from the depths of centuries.
- Archery and musket shooting galleries.
- Souvenir coin minting.
- Guided tours around farmstead.
- Interactive tours for children and their parents.
- Other interactives.
If you want to learn about food culture in different times and epochs, then we look forward to seeing you in September!
The event is organized by the interregional public organization "Union" with the support of the Moscow Museum of Military History.
The Moscow Museum of Military History is a member of the Association of Private and People’s Museums of Russia.
Address: Moscow, Krutitsky Patriarchal farmstead, ul. Krutitskaya 11
Tel: +7 (929) 652-71-98, +7 (926) 669-63-82, +7 (925) 209-02-82, +7 (916) 605-23-66