WELDEX / Rossvarka
- Organizers:
- MVK as part of the ITE Group, Elsvar Company
- Venue:
- Sokolniki Museum and Educational Centre, Moscow, Russia
- Date:
- Official site:
- www.weldex.ru
About the project:
Exhibition objectives:
- Demonstrate achievements,
- Improve international scientific technical cooperation and long-term commercial relations,
- Improve partnership between manufacturers, distributors and customers,
- Demonstrate the latest advances in science and technology. Promote the introduction of the latest advances into manufacture.
Exhibition subjects:
- Arc, argon, argon and arc welding of steel, aluminum, iron and other metals and alloys: the mechanized manual, semiautomatic, automatic robot. Surfacing. Welding machines and alternating current welding machine inverter (inverter welding), welding machines, semi-arc and arc welding, argon welding parts, fixtures, designs. DC power for welding machines manual, semi-automatic and automatic welding: welding rectifiers, welding generators, inverter power sources with a pulse mode. Technologies and materials for argon and arc welding: welding electrodes, wires, fluxes, welding arc, the arc power sources.
- Gas welding, plasma welding of metals. Welding machines, cutting machines, welding torches, setting, and technology flame, gas, plasma welding, cutting and welding parts, fixtures, designs. Welding semi-automatic and automatic machines, installation manual plasma welding and building a direct current, continuous and pulse mode welding.
- Laser welding, cutting and welding of metals: manual, semiautomatic, automatic. Electron welding of metals. Welding machines, machine tools and technology for laser welding.
- Resistance welding, spot welding of steel, aluminum, iron and other metals, welding by pressure from local heating. Equipment and technology for contact and spot welding: welding machines (automatic and semiautomatic).
- Cold welding, riveting, bonding, forging metals (welding by pressure). Equipment, technologies and materials for creating permanent joints by the pressure of cold welding, ultrasonic welding, riveting, gluing, welding forge.
- Specialized welding equipment, technologies and materials for welding and construction of pipelines transporting oil, gas, water, heat, acids, alkalis, industrial and domestic wastewater.
- Specialized equipment, technologies and materials for welding plastics, human tissue and animal fibers; for underwater welding in space.
- Materials for welding, cutting, welding, coating, soldering, steel, aluminum, iron and other metals: welding electrodes, welding wire, solder, flux, welding torches, gas. Equipment and technology of production of welding materials.
- Means and methods of protection against harmful factors: ventilation, work wear, welding helmets, respirators. Tools and equipment for welding.
- Electronic Elementary and base components for welding equipment.
- Shops of used and reconditioned welding equipment. Renovation of the welding equipment. Repair welding machines.
- Scientific developments in the field of welding. Quality control of welded joints, and basic welding materials.
Organizing Committee:
Adress: 15/1, Zubarev alley, Moscow, 129164, Russia
Tel.: +7 495 935 8100
Fax: +7 495 935 8101
E-mail: medvedeva@mvk.ru, yudakova@mvk.ru, kizina@mvk.ru