“Buy Domestic Products” Trade Show
- Organizer:
- Sofia Exhibition Company, LLC
- Venue:
- Sokolniki Museum and Educational Centre, Moscow, Russia, exhibit hall 2
- Date:
- Official site:
- www.звонколоколов.рф
- Working hours:
18/06 - 22/06 — from 11:00 till 19:00
23/06 — from 11:00 till 16:00
The exhibition is cancelled by the organizer.
О проекте:
The aim of the project is to create a platform for the distribution and promotion of food products and other natural products of domestic manufacture on the capital’s retail market directly to the customers.
The trade show will showcase traditional farmers’ products as well as innovative products of Russian manufacture that distinguish themselves as producers of high-quality goods made of natural green products without flavoring agents or conserving agents.
Free entrance. Free shuttle bus from Sokolniki metro station
Contact Information:
Phone: +7 (499) 189 16 06; 189 19 95; 189 41 31.
Exhibition director: Zinaida Kotova
E-mail: kolokol-sofiya@yandex.ru