The Tintinnabulation Orthodox Exhibition and Fair

The Tintinnabulation Orthodox Exhibition and Fair

Sofia Exhibition Company, LLC
Festival Square, Sokolniki Park, Moscow, Russia
Official site:
Working hours:

13/10 - 17/10 — from 11:00 till 19:00
18/10 — from 11:00 till 16:00

The event is scheduled to be held at another venue. For information on dates and venue, please check the organizer's website.

The fair’s purpose is consolidation of ecclesiastical and social efforts in order to promote Orthodox ideology and lifestyle, the preaching of love and good neighbourliness; to provide an opportunity of brotherly communication among Orthodox people from different parts of Russia and abroad; to urge charity and sacrifice. This purpose is symbolically reflected in the exhibition’s title, since church bells ringing draws people to prayer, repentance and good deeds for his own and his neighbour’s sake.

Participants of the fair:

Orthodox monasteries and churches of Russia and abroad (Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Greece, the USA); book publishers: both ecclesiastical and secular that issue educational and historical literature; artists and restorers; icon painters and antiquarians; publishers of audio and video products; charitable and educational organizations; workshops specializing in products used in the commission of worship, decorative church products, folklore toys, folklore costumes; religious jewelry; farmers and the monastic enterprises producing food, engaged in provision of medicinal plants and manufacturers of medical cosmetics. Currently, the total number of participating organizations exceeds 500.

Key features of the Tintinnabulation Orthodox Exhibition and Fair:

Constant spiritual support of exhibition events: public prayers and farewell preaching before each exhibition; daily supervision of the products range presented on the stands and the participants presence by priests in order to detect and prevent violations of the exhibition rules mentioned in the Appendix;
Concerts of Orthodox art songs and round tables on topical issues of contemporary ecclesiastical life;

After each show there are charitable contributions to the Moscow Patriarchate, the Saint Sophia Church in Middle Sadovniki, the clergy of which is the spiritual guardian of the exhibition, and other churches of the Moscow diocese.

Media support of the fair:

The fair organizers hold an advertising campaign that involves press, television and radio in order to attract to the exhibition a wide range of people interested in marketing of ecclesiastical products as well as in purchasing these products, examining the life of other dioceses and building bridges between ecclesiastical and social organizations.

Organizing Committee:

Тел: +7 (499) 189-19-95, +7 (499) 189-16-06, +7 (499) 189-41-31

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