Jewellery Vernisage in Sokolniki Jewellery Exhibition and Sale

Jewellery Vernisage in Sokolniki Jewellery Exhibition and Sale

Jewelry Vernisage, LLC
Festival Square, Sokolniki Park, Moscow, Russia
Official site:
Working hours:

01/10 - 04/10 — from 11:00 till 19:00

About the project:
Jewelry Vernisage is a professional exhibition and sale of jewelry, widely popular among the Muscovites, one of the hallmarks of metropolitan jewelry market.

The exhibition unites the best of the best of the jewelry world, connoisseurs of original style, exclusivity, and effect.

Jewelry Vernisage is to invite you to “EcoCenter “Sokolniki” Museum-educational complex”, along with over 100 jewelry houses, artistic studios, jeweler-artists. Spoil yourself and your nearest and dearest with this gorgeous experience!

Main exposition categories:
- Gold and silver jewelry from Russia, Ukraine, Italy, Czech Republic, Thailand, etc
- Authors’ jewelry, artistic, stone-cutting articles
- Argentry
- Handmade weapons
- Collector’s minerals and articles thereof
- Antiques, collector’s exhibits
- Bijouterie 
- Elite gifts

Wholesale and retail sales 

An expert gemologist to provide professional assistance throughout the exhibition.
Free shuttle bus from Sokolniki metro station

Organizing committee:
phone - 8 (495) 640 08 29; fax 8 (495) 640 12 05
2-ya Mashinostroyenia Street, 17, building 1, Moscow, 115088
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