Juvelir -3'2007


Sokolniki Museum and Educational Centre, Moscow, Russia
Official site:

About the project:

Sokolniki Museum and Educational Centre is to hold the main professional event for all those involved in the Russian jewellery industry, the annual Moscow International Jewellery and Watches Exhibition “JEWELLER-2009” from September 3rd-10th, 2009.

Jeweller is the largest forum of the Russian jewellery industry, which brings together professionals from across the country and from abroad. Jeweller is the only Russian exhibition, which, along with those in Basel (Switzerland) and Vicenza (Italy), is among the largest ones in the world. Jeweller is traditionally held in September and is the guarantor of successful jewellers“ work for the whole year.

Inviting Russian and foreign jewelry companies to participate, R.O.S.JewellerExpo seeks to demonstrate participants and guests all new things that have been done in the field of jewellery manufacture, design and technology for the year.

At the exhibition, foreign companies have a real opportunity to establish contacts with all parties to the jewellery market in Russia and to conduct marketing research. For the Russian participants of the Jeweller it is a great chance to strengthen relationships with loyal customers and to find new partners. The exhibition has all conditions for signing contracts between producers and consumers of jewellery.

Participation in the Jeweller exhibition is your financial success!

Organizing Committee:
R.O.S. JewellerExpo, JSC
Adress: 48, Ivan Franko St., Moscow, Russia, 121351
Tel.: +7 495 517 6673, 517 6642
Tel./Fax: +7 495 417 4782, 417 0204
E-mail: elrybakova@yandex.ru , Jewelir2@rambler.ru

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