The 6th Professional International Exhibition ElektroTrans 2016

The 6th Professional International Exhibition ElektroTrans 2016

Rusgortrans LLC, International Association of Urban Electric Transport Enterprises (MAP GET), Foundation for Social Program Implementations (International Transport Award ‘Golden Chariot’)
Sokolniki Museum and Educational Centre, Moscow, Russia, exhibit hall 4.1
Official site:
Official support:
Association of Transport Higher Education Institutions, MGUPS MIIT, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the City of Moscow, Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development of the City of Moscow, Railway Stations Management — a branch of Russian Railways OJSC, International Association ‘Metro’, International Association of Enterprises ‘Urban Electric Transport’ (MAP GET), International Public Transport Award ‘Golden Chariot’, the RF Ministry if Industry and Trade, Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, MosgortransNIIproekt, Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, noncommercial enterprise ‘Development of Bus Stations of the Country’
Working hours:

06/04 - 07/04 — from 10:00 till 18:00
08/04 — from 10:00 till 16:00


Electric mobility at ElektroTrans 2016 

The ElektroTrans 2016 exhibition and international forum on the development of e-mobility showcasing products and technology for urban electric transportation and underground rapid transit systems will be held from April 6th to April 8th, 2016 at Moscow’s Sokolniki Museum and Educational Centre. 

The ElektroTrans forum is a unique event for Russia and Europe as it is dedicated to the development of urban e-mobility. It has become a traditional meeting place for industry professionals, suppliers of vehicle stock and component parts, engineering companies, and everyone engaged in urban passenger transportation. In 2015 over 100 companies from 7 countries participated in the professional programme, with over 2 000 professionals attending the event. 

The ElektroTrans exhibition is organized with the support of the International Association of Urban Electric Transport (MAP GET), The Metro International Association, Non-Commercial Partnership “Development of Bus Terminals in Russia”, the “Urban Projects” Foundation, Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Moscow Department of Natural Recourses Management and Environmental Protection; Moscow City Transport Agency, Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Association of Transport Academies. 

The aim of the events is to stimulate further development of urban e-transport, to offer products and technology for urban e-transport organizations, underground rapid transport systems and electric mobility industry. 

The professional programme of the forum includes conferences, seminars, round table discussions and presentations on the following topics:

- Transport and modern urban ecology;
- State-private partnership in e-transport development: ways to accommodate the interests of investors, passengers and the city;
- Energy-efficient vehicle stock. Ways of enhancing energy efficiency of Moscow’s underground rapid transport system and urban electric transport enterprises;
- Methods of optimization of care and maintenance costs for a transport enterprise;
- Information technologies as an efficient instrument of attracting passengers and service quality improvement;
- Safety and security issues at a passenger transport enterprise;
- Diagnostic control equipment for vehicle stock and transport infrastructure. 

The organizing committee of the ElektroTrans 2016 forum invites interested industry enterprises to participate in the exhibition and the professional programme! 

Organizing committee: 

+7(495) 287-4412, 276-2990

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