What do you remember best from this ending year and what do you expect from 2015?

Alexey Shaburov, President and CEO of Sokolniki Museum and Educational Centre:

— The year 2014 will be remembered for the big movements made in the development of the exhibition centre, a breakthrough on the filling of exhibition space. We put well-timed emphasis on our partnership with Asia: Vietnam, China and Taiwan. The Chinese version of Sokolniki’s site: all news is translated into Chinese. It is desirable to mark high results: if in 2013 we had 120 exhibitions, in 2014 – more than 170, apart from other formats of organized events (presentations, events and company parties). I consider all events that take place successful enough, in spite of fluctuations in the market. There is a smooth increase of square meters and orders for additional services. A good command, working professionally, was formed in our company. Our motto is service only at the highest level.

From the 2015 we expect additional contracts, interesting and new formats of events, development and that we will improve. I hope that by joint efforts we will pass through any new crisis and sanctions that some countries imposed on Russia.

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