Greeting cards for the 8th of March from the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy

On the occasion of the International Women’s Day the team of the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy prepared a special happening: during the whole day visitors of the Oldtimer Gallery could watch calligraphers signing custom calligraphy greeting cards.

Teacher of the National School of Calligraphy Artyom Lebedev was leading the process, creating calligraphy masterpieces of golden glittering lines on crimson paper. He was joined by two of his talented students, who were demonstrating their high skills of pointed pen calligraphy.

Many visitors of the retro motor salon wished to obtain a custom-made greeting card with an exclusive calligraphy caption for their near and dear. Others felt like studying the art of calligraphy for themselves, and enrolled to the National School of Calligraphy where a new course starts on March 15.

Greeting cardsGreeting cardsGreeting cardsGreeting cardsGreeting cardsGreeting cardsGreeting cardsGreeting cardsGreeting cardsGreeting cards
Greeting cards for the 8th of March from the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy
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