

俄罗斯莫斯科索科利尼基博物馆教育中心, 展馆: 3, 4, 4.1, 4.2, 7a

27/04 - 11/05 — 从 08:00 至 23:00

From April 27 to May 11, Moscow will host the world's largest comprehensive international dance project, the 15th World Dance Olympiad, a unique forum that brings together people of various dance and sports styles, cultures, ages and interests. They all are different, but are driven by a unanimous call – the desire to create, to improve and to be the best for their country! As they look for new contacts receiving the unmatched emotions in return, they give away all the best they have to their audience, raising roaring applause. Participants of the Olympiad have a spark in their hearts and band together as a family over the course of these 16 days! And they are happy to invite you to their world of the Olympiad in Moscow Sokolniki!

The event will include the following: the Russian Open Cup in Contemporary Dancing (50 disciplines), the 11th Eastern European Cheer Sports Championship, IDO World Championships and Cups, the ECU Euroleague, the 3rd International Sport Majorette Gran Prix, the Dance Art Cheer Expo of dance goods and services, the Russian sport rope jumping championship, annual national award Sovershenstvo, Competitive Arts OLYMPIAD, live performances and fashion shows, roundtables, workshops, parades and presentations by various countries and Russian regions, as well as national and international ballroom dance competition, the 24th Waltz of the Victory CSKA Cup and other events. The Olympiad will also feature a premiere championship on a new discipline, Jump Sport.

The OLYMPIAD is held by the following organizations:

  • World Art and Dance Alliance (WADA) – Russian office;
  • The All-Russian Dance Organization;
  • The Cheer Sport and Cheerleading Union of Russia;
  • The Russian Federation of Sport Choreography;
  • The Russian Federation Lady Style Dance;
  • The All-Russian Arts Federation.

The event is held under the auspices of the following international organizations:

  • IDO (International Dance Organization);
  • WDSF (World Dance Sport Federation);
  • ICU (International Cheer Union);
  • ECU (European Cheer Union);
  • IRSF (International Rope Skipping Federation);
  • IFMS (International Federation of Majorette Sport);
  • NBTA (National Baton Twirling Association).

Supported by:

  • The Russian Ministry of Sport;
  • The Russian Committee of National and non-Olympic Sports.

History background. In 2016 the World Dance Olympiad set a record as the largest dancing event and was listed in the Russian Book of Records.

Statistics of the 2018 event indicate 33 751 representatives from 35 countries and 64 Russian regions, and 1348 award ceremonies. In 2019, we expect to have 35 000 participants from 40 countries and an over 40 000 audience to watch the Olympiad!

We look forward to seeing you at the grand festival of health, beauty and grace!

Press Office

+7 (925) 772-60-51 (10 am to 7 pm Moscow time)
Email ardo.06@mail.ru, pr@danceartexpo.ru

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