Astra International Cat Show
- 组办方:
- 非赢利性机构ASTRA国际猫科动物中心
- 举办地点:
- 俄罗斯莫斯科索科利尼基博物馆教育中心, 展馆 7a
- 举办日期:
- 官方网址:
- 展会开放时间:
22/07 - 23/07 — 从 10:30 至 18:00
The best cats from Russia and abroad will be presented at the show.
Various popular and rare breeds will be there, such as the: British Shorthair, Exotic Shorthair, Persian, Scottish Fold, Scottish Straight, Highland Fold, Highland Straight, Abyssinian, Somali, Cornish Rex, Selkirk Rex, Siberian, Neva Masquerade, Siamese, Thai, Oriental, Bobtail, Sphinx, Bengal, Burmese, Russian Blue, Turkish Angora, Birman, Norwegian Forest, Maine Coon and other rare breeds.
Total number of cats and kittens: around 300.
The programme features:
- Monobreed shows;
- A show programme;
- Advise on pet care, feeding and breeding;
- Pet products;
- Souvenir fair;
- Kitten sales;
- Flower fair.
Organizing Committee:
Tel.: +7 495 514 2902; +7 925 514 2902; +7 910 441 9154