- 组办方:
- Assistance Centre on developing invention and rationalization, LLC
- 举办地点:
- 俄罗斯莫斯科索科利尼基博物馆教育中心, 展馆 2
- 举办日期:
- 官方网址:
- 官方支持:
- Administration Office of the Russian President, 莫斯科市政府, The World Intellectual Property Organization
About the project:
Science and industrial policy department of Moscow,
RF Trade and industry ministry,
RF Defense Ministry,
Federal service on intellectual property, licence and trade marks,
Russian Science Academy,
RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Ltd. “Soyuzpatent”,
All-Russian Society of Inventors and Rationalizers,
International Innovative Club “Archimed”.
The participants of “Archimed” salon are industrial companies, educational and scientific organizations, creative youth and inventors from Russia and foreign countries.
Organizing Committee:
Adress: Shcherbakovskaya St., 53, Moscow, Russia, 105187
Tel: +7 495 366 1465, +7 495 366 0344